We all love a nice, hot, sunny day lying out in our garden or entertaining friends and family with a BBQ. Relaxing on a lush green weed free summer lawn makes the whole experience even more pleasurable. But for a lawn, this can be the most stressful time of the year. So, what can you do to keep your summer lawn looking its best?
The most important thing we can do is give it a much-deserved drink. Water at times when the moisture is likely to soak in rather than evaporate, early morning or late evening is the best. Try to avoid giving your lawn a light sprinkling every day, as this can cause the roots to grow shallow and be prone to drying out. When it’s dry, a good soaking once or twice a week is much more beneficial for your lawn.
It’s worth noting that a well-fed and maintained lawn will have a stronger and deeper root system, enabling it to withstand and recover from long dry periods. Why not feed and water your lawn at the same time? Better still get Lawn Bright to come and treat your lawn.
Try to mow your lawn at least once a week, keeping the height of the grass to about 1 inch. Ensure all clippings are collected and composted but avoid cutting too short as this will encourage weeds and moss to enter your lawn. In really hot, dry weather your lawn will become stressed, and it is advisable to reduce the amount of mowing to about once every two weeks depending on the weather and allow your grass to grow longer.
Lawn weeds
Should weeds and moss be a problem for your lawn then a quick application of a suitable 3 in 1 lawn care product, will eradicate that problem. If weeds are the main problem for your lawn, then apply a selective lawn weed killer, specially formulated to target your lawn weeds without harming the grass. Lawn Bright have the perfect treatment for your lawn in the summer.
Warm weather will encourage your lawn to grow rapidly and use up the nutrients in your soil. Give your lawn a helping hand by providing it with some valuable feeding to keep it looking its best. For a fast green-up use a liquid lawn feed or have lawn Bright come and treat your lawn. For larger areas applying granular fertiliser, using a lawn spreader will speed up the process and give you better, even results. During dry conditions, these products will need to be watered in to activate the feed.
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